Love, Trust & Treachery

“Treachery was the ninth Circle of Hell. This last circle was dedicated to those people who betrayed their loved ones, friends, best friends, countries, cities, guests and even their masters


Well if Dante was alive today, he would have died 10 times again seeing the sorry-state of people’s morality these days. People have no remorse how much heinous there acts are and the damage caused by them to other people’s life. This idiotic and toxic social media slogans (especially Instagram) of prioritizing yourself and your happiness over everyone is taking the society inside a very dark and toxic tunnel, at the end of which we will come out as a soulless and heartless human being.

We are just not thinking about the consequences of our actions and the impact they have on everyone’s life especially the ones that are close to us, especially the ones who have sacrificed most for us. We end up giving all sorts of bullshit reasons and try to justify our act by simply hiding inside the veil of Love.

There is a big difference between Love and Lust! Contrary to popular belief and bullshit media stories/films and so-called social media influencers, Love is not blind, Lust is blind.

A wife whose husband dies at the tender age of 26 years leaving her with the responsibility of 2 daughters and in-laws, sacrifices all her youth, all her desires, all her ambitions for the well being of her daughters and her husband’s family…. that is true love!

What does she gets in return? …… A stark and deadly betrayal by her daughter that leaves her forever wounded and will probably makes rest of her life, the worst of her life!

A person who treats everyone with love and tries to see the best version in people no matter how much messed up an individual is …… loves this girl as her own daughter, always be there for her, respects all her choices and always loves her as her own……. that is true love!

What does he gets in return? …… A deadly blow to all his kindness, compassion and good-heartedness that would eventually make him to doubt every individual and probably will make him second-guess every time he sees someone in dire need of help for the rest of his life.

A fiancée who sacrifices his goals, his career, pushes away his ambitions, makes her the number one priority, treats her with utmost respect and tries to fill this girl’s life with all the happiness that he could and gives her unconditional love (without even the physical desires)…….. that is true love!

What does this idiot gets in return? ……. A treacherous plot of betrayal so malice that would shake his very foundations and would probably won’t allow him to love and trust someone easily for the rest of his life.

This girl does something so clever, so immoral and so wicked that you would actually think that this a plot out of some movie! A conspiracy to break her mother who quite literally sacrificed all her life for her and is probably a very kind-hearted and respectable lady that I have met in my 27 years of existence on this wicked planet 🙂

What people forget or maybe they choose to forget is that….

A person with malicious intent inflicting pain on others, betraying other peoples trust and playing with other peoples emotion often forgets that there is a force, an all seeing eye perhaps an all knowing entity who is unbiased and unopinionated and when he strikes and he does…. there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. From the short-sightedness we get happiness after deceiving someone and inflicting pain on other people, but in the long run – “It all comes back !”. And for this girl who inflicted so much pain on her mother who selflessly did so much for her, I don’t have anything to say but perhaps Sylvester Stallone does:

 “There’s a natural law of karma that malicious/vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone.” 

And for the ones who were victimized by such an act of cruelty, which they didn’t deserve (certainly in this case) know this:

Keeping doing the small acts of kindness and love. Have gratitude in your life for everything and try to forgive even the ones who are beyond forgiving and always remember “no matter how shitty hand you have been dealt with, the odds will definitely change in your favor someday…… Until then keep playing!

Hopefully this will be the only time I would write something like this. Just needed to vent out I guess, I sincerely hope that someday we should start giving priority to all the relations and people around us and start respecting all their sacrifice for us rather that give in to lust, greed and soulless capitalism.

I guess due to this bullshit social media posts and frenzy, people just don’t understand the difference between lust, meaningless sex and actual true love!

Until next time 🙂

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