Android Part -7

Reverse Engineering Android Apps Ok so you have build an app and it's apk/bundle is generated probably on your phone or it's on playstore but somehow we lost the original source code i.e. our android studio project is missing. Well reversing the apk to extract the source code is relatively quite easy as compared to... Continue Reading →

Android Part – 6

Android App with Google Map/Search API with AWS-Cognito Well this seems interesting!! Yup it is..! This app will teach us using the google map api, places api and AWS-Cognito authentication. Let's get started: 6. My Fuel The high-level design of this app will include a way for the user to login into his account select... Continue Reading →

Android Part 5 Contd..

Android App Development Part -5 Contd.. This is will be a small blog post and we will continue from our last post where we were developing our SmartPump app. The last class which we were discussing is our Notification background class which is used to build and display the notification via our JobIntent Background service.... Continue Reading →

Android Part-5

Android App Development Part -5 Hello all welcome back! In this part we will go through a lot of new concepts in android from creating custom dialogs to running background services plus we will talk about permissions and the google's problem with them and inturn what we resort to finally for our app, this app... Continue Reading →

Android Part-3

Android App Development Part-3 So we are back we another post on our Android App series where we will develop another app from Udacity course, but this app actually uses a REST API to get data and then show it one the App so let's get started: 3.Quake Report This app utilizes the free api... Continue Reading →

Android- Part 2

Android App Development - Part 2 So we completed the Just Java simple android app in last post. For this post we will see on defining the custom UI elements for the application by and see some system functonalities of android OS and how to leverage them. I made this app while following the udacity-Miwok... Continue Reading →


Android Development Hello all, it's been a long time since I wrote ..well I have been working with android apps in last couple of months for a small startup and in the process I have developed 4/5 apps with different functionalities and UI, had couple of problems in between as well so I thought I... Continue Reading →

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