Book Reviews : Pt -2

Continuing on previous post Book Reviews Pt -1, I will review below 2 books in this blog post: The Subtle Art of not giving a Fuck - Mark Manson The Ride of a Lifetime - Bob Iger The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck I personally liked this book a lot! If you have... Continue Reading →

Book Reviews : Pt -1

So, these past few weeks I have been reading a lot. There are couple of books that I have read and would like to talk about them, here. These books belong to all sort of genres ranging from Personal Finance, Human Psychology, Personal Growth etc. In this blog post I will review two books namely:... Continue Reading →

Love, Trust & Treachery

"Treachery was the ninth Circle of Hell. This last circle was dedicated to those people who betrayed their loved ones, friends, best friends, countries, cities, guests and even their masters" -Inferno Well if Dante was alive today, he would have died 10 times again seeing the sorry-state of people's morality these days. People have no remorse... Continue Reading →

S.A.P. FU-JUJUTSU Part – 2

This here is a continuation and conclusion post on the SAP FU-JUJUTSU linked here : SAP FU - JUJUTSU. Well since Mr. X has now taken care of the tables and logs displayed via CDHR/ CDPOS/ DBTABLOG/ SE-14 utility and other documents specific history tables. Well now we have to delete the log-files stored on... Continue Reading →


Hello Friends , since I am working with SAP systems for quite some time now and although I am still astonished to see it's business scope and framework-specific power I just cannot stop myself to do a FU-JUJUTSU research on it on free hours while at office or at home. Yeah! man i know KUNG-FU... Continue Reading →

Life and separation

  Life and separation: Separation is an abstract concept of not being provided by whatever that is that made you happy, an absence of a mindset of 'togetherness'. Life.. it can be considered as a stack of things you want to achieve, and the priority you give to each of these interests! Interests bring us... Continue Reading →

Crackers and the Bust!

Well there are sometimes only sometime in my life when i look back to the things that i have done in past and i must say this one incident comes to my mind every fuking time! 🙂 Back in high-school there was this big fuck-up that i did! It was the evening of the festival... Continue Reading →

Anarchist 101

The thought of running free and wild has always been there with me and increased day by day, for which I am forever grate-full to everyone who influenced me from my childhood days and continue to do so till now! Whenever I come across the so called Nationalists or indivuals who hate chaos, I usually thought or... Continue Reading →

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