Life and separation

  Life and separation: Separation is an abstract concept of not being provided by whatever that is that made you happy, an absence of a mindset of 'togetherness'. Life.. it can be considered as a stack of things you want to achieve, and the priority you give to each of these interests! Interests bring us... Continue Reading →


Following on with our last blog post: CRYPTO …1, this is the last attack on the RSA cryptosystem for which I bring to you some details and a working proof, as promised on our first blog post I will also link you to the ultimate RSACtfTool which works for most of the covered attacks. HASTAD... Continue Reading →


SIMPLE NETWORK MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL INTRO: The SNMP is a pretty useful as well as a very powerful protocol both for  sys-admins and hackers. The protocol is used for management tasks on the network and for all the devices on it. It contains a wealth of information about the devices on the network beginning from (IP-addresses... Continue Reading →


Taking up where we left from previous blog post: CRYPTO 101 we will now discuss the other two attacks on RSA namely as common modulus & side-channel(timing attack). While the first attacks the math behind the cryptosystem the latter attacks the implementation rather than the actual math of the cryptosystem. 1. Common Modulus attack: We... Continue Reading →


We will start with RSA and then move on to different encryption and decryption algorithms and primarily their attacks ;-), one-by-one as I understand them and can provide you all with a working proof of concept for each one.  Some Maths First! (RSA) RSA involves two keys public and private. Let's look deep into these... Continue Reading →

Crackers and the Bust!

Well there are sometimes only sometime in my life when i look back to the things that i have done in past and i must say this one incident comes to my mind every fuking time! 🙂 Back in high-school there was this big fuck-up that i did! It was the evening of the festival... Continue Reading →

Anarchist 101

The thought of running free and wild has always been there with me and increased day by day, for which I am forever grate-full to everyone who influenced me from my childhood days and continue to do so till now! Whenever I come across the so called Nationalists or indivuals who hate chaos, I usually thought or... Continue Reading →

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